Rotmap 2021
Q1 & Q2 Rollup and Road to 666 by Halloween
It’s been an incredible year for ROTTENSWAP DOT ORG.
New Telegram Features
Rotted Ben, the author of the original “How to stake on Rottenswap” article and FOMO BOT extraordinaire, added some new features to the ROTTENSWAP DOT ORG Telegram channel on June 15, 2021.
/1ROT, /1MAGGOT and /ARB commands now show the prices of wrapped ROT and MAGGOT on Harmony, as well as the arbitrage potential between the pairs. Check out Ben’s website for all of your Telegram bot needs.
Make sure to check out our other features by typing / in Telegram, and make sure to add our rotten sticker pack!
ROTTENSWAP DOT ORG ads have run throughout 2021, including on YouTube and 4CHAN. We need YOUR HELP to get the word out about our unruggable ERC20 contract! Do your part!
Cross Chain Solution — Harmony One Partnership
2021 began with staggering gas fees on Ethereum. Binance Smart Chain was trending, and ROTTENSWAP DOT ORG users were clamoring for a solution. Throughout the month of March, the Rottenswap fudmin team rigorously tested cross-chain solutions and determined that the Harmony ONE blockchain would be the best fit for providing a cross chain solution for ROTTENSWAP.
Testing began on March 10th, 2021 and Rottenswap fudmins announced the testing 3 weeks prior to launch to ensure all rotten degens were properly alerted.
Why not launch on BSC?
At the time, the ROTTENSWAP DOT ORG fudmin team did not have access to the proper developer resources to ensure a BSC launch would be completely unruggable and airtight.
A better solution — Harmony
Harmony, a top 100 market cap project with full Ethereum compatibility, allocated developer resources to launch ROT and MAGGOT on their blockchain with accurate deflation and proper renouncement of minting and contract ownership. Ganesha Upadhyaya, one of the engineers in charge of the Harmony ONE bridge contract, launched and tested ROTTENSWAP contracts with a multi-sig and worked closely with our fudmin team to confirm everything was functioning safely and smoothly.
The Harmony ONE partnership was a success!
- You can purchase ROT on with VIPER for less than 1 penny in transaction fees.
- Farming of VIPER token with ROT/VIPER and MAGGOT/VIPER pairings on
- Peak of ~$1.5m USD TVL in ROTTENSWAP pools on Viper exchange.
- Accelerated ROT burn. The ZombieChef contract was not minted on Harmony, so new ROT is not created there.
- Farming of MOCHI token with ROT/MOCHI on
- Info pages for ROT and MAGGOT on Viper exchange’s analytics site.
- Cross-pollination of ROTTENSWAP and Harmony ONE communities, contributing to a surge in users on the Harmony blockchain.
1ROT and 1MAGGOT pools are now archived on, meaning they can no longer be used to farm VIPER. You can safely remove your LP tokens from the staking system by visiting and giving the site some time to load. Our fudmins have tested the LP token unstaking successfully.
Mochiswap pools are still active with +150% APR! DYOR!
2021 has been filled with progress for our digital artists. ROTTENSWAP art was minted on over 4 blockchains this year.
We welcomed two new artists to the fold of Rottenswap sponsored artists. First up, HahaWomanChild, who made “Rottie,” our new Rottenswap waitress logo. Rottie is the first NFT in the ROTTENSWAP NFT Series on the $MATIC blockchain, with 5 editions minted in April.
Lord Vaxi achieved sponsorship by winning our NFT contest in February, and minted the first ROTTENSWAP NFT on the Harmony ONE blockchain via DaVinci Gallery.
Rottenswap sponsored artist David Lim’s ROTTENSWAP creation “BTC, Reborn” sold one NFT early this year. The piece celebrates the many times BTC was pronounced dead but rose from the grave. What Rotten ERC20 token does that remind you of?
Our most successful Rottenswap artist, BTC_Minimalist is back with two new #NFTs for 2021. His prior works from 2020 continue to generate sales.
Artist Byron Scott contributed this piece to the ROTTENSWAP NFT Series on the Zilliqa blockchain, and made the sale! See the Rottenswap store on Zilliqa here, including work from JeoiReqi and D_Ink.
Our friends at launched ROTTENSWAP DOT ORG branded Drakons on MATIC. Make sure to check out the ROTTENSWAP Drakon marketplace!
Several giveaways were held for the community to incentivize purchases, and a new epic move, the decaying acid burn, was released.
Don’t forget! ROT is listed on Cargo.Build. and for NFT sales!
Road to Halloween
The ROTTENSWAP DOT ORG community continues to thrive and grow our user base. Where else can you find an unruggable ERC20 project?
Rotten Token started the year at $0.004 USD and rose to $0.0666 thanks to the glorious friends of Rottenswap asking one simple question.
“Did you get in early on Rottenswap dot org?”
With the help of our rotten whales, we were able to achieve $0.00666 again in June. Congratulations to the entire community for reaching this milestone. Props to the team at Dextools for making regular sells look like they’re coming from the burn address.
The possibility always exists that MAGGOT will receive further development, alluded to by the shadowy Tim Templeton in his original ROTTENSWAP DOT ORG medium article. Tim has extended the ROTTENSWAP DOT ORG website lease to 2025.
The ROTTENSWAP DOT ORG fudmin team thanks you for your continued participation in the ROTTENSWAP DOT ORG project. There are no plans for future development of ROT at this time, it’s considered a complete project, already perfectly based in every way.
Don’t fix what ain’t broken.
666 by Halloween!
Join us in Telegram.
~ The Zombie Chef
Contract: 0xd04785c4d8195e4a54d9dec3a9043872875ae9e2